Some time ago, I read about Black Bottle Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado. They brewed a beer called Cerealiciously which included Count Chocula breakfast cereal in the mash and possibly secondary. When I visited Fort Collins, I didn't have the opportunity to try the beer because they were out of it. I decided that someday I would brew one like it for myself at home. This past Saturday was that day... I began by researching recipes for sweet stouts and milk stouts. I thought these, combined with the General Mills Count Chocula breakfast cereal, would make a nice combo. The chocolate and sweetness of the stout should mingle with the same flavors in the cereal, but with enough roasty grain flavors to keep it from being a chocolate bar in a glass. The recipe presented here is my own, based on a couple of sweet stout recipes I found. The Recipe 4 pounds 2-row Brewer's Malt (because I ran out of 2-row Pale Malt) 2 pounds 2-row Pale Malt 1 pound Cara-Pils/Dextrine Malt ...