Today, home brewing felt a lot more like work than a hobby. All told, my wife and I sanitized, filled, and capped 12 bombers and 73 standard 11-12 ounce bottles. I labeled 129 bottles, and did the basic layout for six different labels. I cleaned six fermenters, a bottling bucket, a couple of lengths of tubing, several airlocks, and miscellaneous other items. It took most of the day. I have to ask myself "Is it worth it?" What will come out of all this labor? Good Beer: The large batch we bottled today promises to be a really good beer, which clones one of my favorites from BJ's Brewhouse. Assuming that beer turns out well, and taste tests to date have all been positive, I'll have this high gravity Belgian beer to enjoy for months to come. I'll also be able to share it with friends and family who enjoy less-hoppy beers like it. Brewing Experience: Any batch you brew gives you practice and often teaches you something. Depending on how you slice it, to...