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Showing posts from July, 2016

Wil Wheaton Wootstout Extract Kit - Walkthrough and Notes

I bought a Wil Wheaton Wootstout extract kit from Northern Brewer quite a while ago... so long ago, in fact, that I won't be surprised if this thing is undrinkable when it's finished.  I read the instructions and they seemed so involved at the time that I wasn't comfortable brewing it.  Well, today I had the urge to brew and not a lot of time, which is the perfect scenario to brew an extract beer. The Recipe 1 pound Flaked Rye 10 ounces of Black Malt 10 ounces of Roasted Barley 5 ounces of Carastan Malt 5 ounces of Crystal Rye Malt 3.15 pounds of Golden Light DME 3.15 pounds of Wheat DME 1 pound of Golden Light LME 3 ounces of Target hops 6 pounds of Golden Light DME 1 pound of Simplicity Candi Syrup 8 ounces of toasted and crushed pecans 3 ounces of cacao liquor 2 ounces of medium+ toasted oak cubes 6-8 ounces of bourbon (not included in the kit) 1 teaspoon of Wyeast yeast nutrient 1 Whirlfloc tablet 1 packet of Safale US-05 yeast 1 packet of Saf...

Cloning Stevens Point Brewery Cascade Pale Ale

A good friend of mine loves Stevens Point Brewery of Wisconsin's Cascade Pale Ale.  He was dismayed to learn that it's no longer being made, and asked if I might be able to brew something like it.  Having not done many pale ales, I thought it might be an interesting challenge. When attempting to clone a beer, the first step is to research the available data on the original beer.  Buying and trying a few is a good start, but with this beer off the store shelves that wasn't an option. Research The brewery's description of the beer at some point (it's no longer listed) said: Point Cascade Pale Ale is handcrafted combining special top-fermenting yeast and a dry hopping process to create this truly classic American Pale Ale. The intriguing character is derived from generous quantities of the choicest Yakima Valley Cascade hops and the finest crystal, 2-row pale, and Munich malts.  The result is a delicious American Pale Ale with a signature fragrant hop bouque...

Belgian Trappist Single 2.0 Recipe and Journal

One of the beers I've brewed that I enjoyed the most was an extract-based Belgian Single from a recipe on the E.C. Kraus web site.  Having made the switch to all-grain brewing, I wanted to take a stab at brewing an all-grain version of the beer.  Using the Kraus recipe and the BJCP guidelines for the Trappist Single style, here's my all-grain recipe. The Recipe and Ingredients 8 pounds of Belgian Pilsner Malt 7 ounces of Biscuit Malt 4 ounces of Aromatic Malt 1 pound of Brewer's Crystals 1.25 ounces of Sweet Orange Peel 0.25 ounces of Indian Coriander, crushed in a mortar and pestle 0.8 ounces of Styrian Goldings hops pellets at 6.2% AA 1.25 ounces of Czech Saaz hops pellets at 3.2% AA 1 ounce of Czech Saaz hops pellets at 3.2% AA 1/2 teaspoon of Wyeast Yeast Nutrient 1 Whirlfloc tablet 1 tablespoon of pH 5.2 Stabilizer 1 package of Wyeast 1762 Belgian Abbey II Ale Yeast 90-minute mash at 152F followed by 167F mashout for 10 minutes 90-minute boil with h...