While cleaning, reorganizing, and inventorying my brewing area, I discovered a bunch of rye malt that I had purchased early in 2020. It's almost certainly stale by now, so it's not going to make a very tasty beer. However, it will give me a chance to see what it would be like to mash a brew that contains a high percentage of rye in the grist. I found a recipe online that is purported to be the grain bill used by Brown-Forman to make Woodford Reserve Rye. Although I can't legally turn this into a whiskey, there's nothing illegal about making the mash just for fun and dumping it out. In the process, I should learn something about how a whiskey is mashed and the potential problems a distiller might encounter using a high amount of rye in the grain bill. That will be helpful in brewing beers with a fair amount of rye. And someday, if laws in the United States change to allow home distilling, I'll have some experience mashing in a whiskey. The purpor...