After reviewing the judges' feedback from my homebrewing competition entries earlier this year, and combining it with my own observations, it's clear that for some styles I am not quite hitting my target for mouthfeel and (where appropriate) sweetness. I did some research into how you can improve these qualities in your homebrew, and have uncovered the following variables which can be altered during brewing to give a beer more body and/or sweetness: Add unfermentable sugars: This can be done with sugars like lactose, which yeast won't ferment. This will add a sweetness to a beer like a milk stout. I've done this in the Stout Chocula beer I brewed earlier this year to good effect. However, I don't see lactose working well in a Belgian beer. Add Calcium Chloride: This can reportedly enhance the maltiness of a beer. This is something I haven't tried, but will tinker with in the future. Increase Caramel Malt: Increasing the amount of...