The finished acerglyn I've never encountered an acerglyn at local bars, beer stores, or anywhere else. After reading about this style of mead, I decided I would like to try making some. I looked at a few recipes and built my own based on them. Ingredients 7 ounces of Grade B Dark Maple Syrup 2 pounds of Wildflower Honey 1 packet of Lalvin 1116 yeast 1/2 tsp. Fermaid K Enough bottled spring water to reach 1.75 gallons of volume Original Gravity: 1.082 SG actual Final Gravity: 0.995 SG estimated (0.994 actual) ABV: 12% estimated (12.1% actual) Bottling Wand: Stainless #1 Combined some water, the honey, the maple syrup, and Fermaid into a 2-gallon fermenter. Using a drill and a wine degasser, combined the ingredients and aerated the wort. Dropped in a sanitized Tilt Hydrometer which read the gravity at 1.082 SG. Pitched the yeast, sealed the fermenter, and added a sanitized airlock. Placed the fermenter in the coolest corner of the basement....