Last year, I brewed 20 batches of adult beverages (primarily beer and test mashes). In no particular order, here are things I learned during the year: The COVID-19 pandemic left me with more time at home to brew, but at the same time made doing so a bit less enjoyable. Why? Because I could not share my homebrew with family and friends as easily as I could pre-pandemic. Without feedback from my friends about what they did (and didn't) like in my beer, I was less motivated to brew and less able to improve my beer than in prior years. The pump on The Grainfather has a life span (in my experience) of around 200 brews before it dies, and the "official" replacement is way too expensive to suit me (like $190). I was able to replace it with a pump from Amazon for about $70 that seems to flow much better and stronger than the official pump. It took some redneck-looking jerry-rigging to fix it, but the system flows better now and I can continue brewing. On a personal...