( Important note: This article series is based on the US version of the product. Prices are expressed in US dollars, measurements of temperature and volume are in US units unless otherwise noted.) iMake's The Grainfather is an all-in-one RIMS brewing system designed to be used indoors with household electric current. It includes the kettle, grain basket, recirculation tube, pump, electronic temperature controller, instruction book, and counterflow chiller. It does not include a mash paddle, fermenter, cleaning supplies, or pretty much anything else. The price is around $800-900 depending on where you shop and the discounts offered. The Grainfather handles mashing, boiling, recirculating, sparging (to a degree), and chilling of the wort. You'll still need a fermentation vessel of some sort and some other supplies we'll discuss later. Grainfather Assembly and Initial Cleaning Assembly of The Grainfather in my experience was pretty easy o...