The finished beer, poured into a glass As I noted in an earlier post, my Saison scored relatively poorly in competition, gaining an average score of 25. I actually liked it much more than the judges did, but it inspired me to try again before the next competition. One thing the judges commented on was that there was a mix of spice and fruit in the flavor (all, by the way, from the yeast). They suggested that I pick one flavor and go with it. I decided to focus on citrus, since the weather is finally warming up and a nice citrusy Saison sounded good to me. What follows is my own recipe. I decided to use Mandarina Bavaria hops, which impart a mandarin orange flavor, combined with Lemon Drop hops, which impart a lemon flavor. That, combined with the citrusy notes that should come from the Saison yeast, ought to tilt the flavor balance toward citrus. We'll see, of course. Ingredients 4 pounds Briess Pilsner Malt 8 ounces Dingeman's Pilsen (all I had on ha...