A few months ago, I purchased a a beer from Strange Roots Experimental Ales that was made with 78% barley and 22% local honey, fermented with a wild local yeast. Although it was somewhere between a mead and a beer, I found it really tasty. I tried making my own version, which wasn't bad, but was nothing like theirs. Today I decided to try my own twist on their beer. Like the Strange Roots brewery, I'm going to use a 78% Pale Ale malt base with 22% clover honey added late in the boil. I'll be using Southern Passion hops late in the boil (5 minutes) to give it some interesting tropical fruit notes and flavors. I'll use The Yeast Bay's Wallonian Farmhouse Ale yeast to ferment it. That yeast is said to impart a slight funk, slight tartness, and some spicy/smoky notes. It's also a diastatic yeast, so it should have no problem chewing through all the malt I'll be using. Ingredients 8 pounds and 10 ounces of Viking Pale Ale malt 2 pounds...