I've come to the conclusion that the best way to bring my recipe creation skills up a level is to focus a bit on the flavor contribution of various malts. There is a lot out there on the subject already, but most experts will tell you that each of us has a slightly different sense of taste and smell. What may seem dry and lemony to me could seem very different to you. The best way to know what the different base malts contribute to a recipe is to build a single-malt and single-hop (SMASH) beer. To fairly compare the malts to one another, you will want to use the same water profile, mash and sparge steps, same hops, same yeast, etc. Your only change should be the base malt. I have a fair amount of a number of base malts in stock, along with a decent quantity of Mandarina Bavaria hops pellets, and some Coopers dry ale yeast. With the Brewie+ functional again, I should be able to create a number of SMASH beers which are nearly identical apart from their base malts...