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Showing posts from August, 2021

2021 Batch 14 Corn Tripel

The American Homebrewer's Association web site lists a recipe for a " Corn Tripel " (a Belgian style Tripel Ale brewed with corn as part of the grist).  I decided to brew that beer today, tweaked a little for my system and preferences. Ingredients 8.25 pounds Belgian Pilsen malt 1.25 pounds Flaked Corn (Maize) 10 ounces Clear Candi Sugar Rocks 0.25 ounces Hallertau Magnum hops 11.6%AA (FWH) 0.50 ounces Styrian Goldings hops 1.3% AA (30 min.) 0.50 ounces Hallertau Mittelfruh hops 3.8% AA (15 min.) 0.50 tsp. Irish Moss (15 min.) 0.50 tsp. Yeast Nutrient (15 min.) 0.125 tsp. Brewtan B (mash) 0.25 tsp. Brewtan B (boil, 20 min.) 1 package Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity 5 gallons RO water, treated with: 1 gram Calcium Chloride 1 gram Table Salt 0.5 grams Epsom Salt 3 grams Gypsum 1 gram Magnesium Chloride 1 ml. Lactic Acid 88% solution Use 3.75 gallons for mash, 1.25 gallons for sparge Note: If I was brewing this again, I'd do 3.75 gallons mash, 1.75 sparge, for 5.5 tot...

2021 Batch 13 - Belgian Dark Strong

If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you're probably aware that I'm really fond of Belgian ales, especially the Belgian Dark Strong Ale.  A few weeks back, I purchased a large container of Briess Sparkling Amber liquid malt extract (LME) at a discount.  I wondered if this extract could be used to produce a reasonable Belgian Dark Strong Ale with a relatively short brew day.  This batch is my attempt to prove or disprove that theory. Ingredients 6 pounds of Breiss CBW Sparkling Amber LME 16 ounces Crystal 80L malt 2 ounces Special B malt 12 ounces Brun Fonce candi sugar 0.5 ounces Hallertau Magnum @ 11.6%AA (FWH) 1.0 ounces Hallertau Mittelfruh @ 3.8% AA (5 min.) 1.0 ounces Czech Saaz @ 3.8% AA (5 min.) 1/2 tsp. Brewtan B (boil) 3/4 tsp. Irish Moss 1/2 tsp. Yeast Nutrients Dublin Ohio tap water According to Brewfather, the beer will have the following qualities: Batch Size:   3.0 gallons Original Gravity:   1.095 SG estimated (1.095 SG actual) Fin...

2021 Batch 12 - Barleywine

As happens periodically in the home brewery, I find a lot of grain that needs to be turned into beer quickly before it gets stale.  That usually results in some crazy high-gravity beer experiment, like today's American Barleywine batch. I decided to really bump close to the limits of Lallemand CBC-1 (Cask and Bottle Conditioning) dry yeast for this batch, by aiming for a wort that would ferment out to something around 16% ABV.  It's fairly common to make a beer like this using only base malt, but I wanted a little more complexity to mine, so I'm using a small amount of Special B and English Medium Crystal. Ingredients 4 pounds Briess 2-row Brewer's Malt 12.75 pounds Maris Otter Malt 1 pound German Pilsner Malt 3 pounds Belgian Pale Ale Malt 8 ounces Special B Malt 8 ounces Medium Crystal Malt 16 ounces Demerara Sugar 1/2 tsp. Irish Moss 1/4 tsp. Brewtan B in the mash 1/2 tsp. Brewtan B in the boil (20 min) 1 tsp. Yeast Nutrient 1 ounce Bravo hops (60 min.) 1 ounce Cente...