Recently, I've been trying to "dial in" settings in BeerSmith and Beer Tools Pro so that I can do a better job getting my actual brewing results to match up to the figures in the software. Below are some of the figures I've worked out with my US Grainfather. Given manufacturing variances and possible measuring errors on my part, these might not match exactly to yours, but hopefully they're close enough that it will help you.
BeerSmith Equipment Profile:
BeerSmith Equipment Profile:
- Brewhouse Efficiency: 83% (based on my experience, yours may vary)
- Mash Tun Volume: 8 gallons
- Mash Tun Weight: 8.82 pounds
- Mash Tun Specific Heat: 0.12 Cal/gram-deg C
- Mash Tun Addition: 0 gallons
- Lauter Tun Losses: 0 gallons
- Top Up Water for Kettle: 0 gallons
- Boil Volume: 6.25 gallons
- Boil Time: 60 minutes
- Boil Off: 0.40 gallons per hour
- Cooling Shrinkage: 6%
- Loss to Trub and Chiller: 0.53 gallons
- Batch Volume: 5 gallons
- Fermenter Loss: 0.40 gallons (yours may vary)
- Whirlpool time: 0 minutes
Beer Tools Pro Vessel Profile:
- Shape: Circular/Elliptical
- Width: 12 inches
- Length: 12 inches
- Height: 17 inches
- Capacity: 8.3 gallons
- Heat Capacity: 1020.5 J/K
- Dead Space; 0.5 gallons
- Heat Transfer Coefficient: 5.51 W/m2 K
- Environment: 68.5F
- Infusion Volume: 5.0 gallons
- Infusion Temp: 148F
- Temp After 5 minutes: 147F
- Temp After 65 Minutes: 137F
Beer Tools Pro Heat Source Profile:
- Environment: 68.7F
- Calibration Volume: 5 gallons
- Vessel Heat Capacity: 502.8 J/K
- Time to Heat 18F (10C): 10.5 minutes
If, as I do, you use hops bags to keep particulate out of the kettle, you may want to factor in adding about 10% additional hops to account for possible losses due to the bag.
I just want to say this is extremely useful, thanks for taking the time to write this. BeerSmith 3.0.8 Crack